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Effective 1-on-1s Workshop

We'll help you have meaningful growth conversations so that you can accelerate both your career and the growth of your team.

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Investing in meaningful connections with your team is the cornerstone of a thriving workplace. 1-on-1 meetings provide a powerful platform to build trust, address challenges, and unlock potential. But what if these conversations could be even more impactful?

This workshop goes beyond the basics, equipping you with the tools to craft 1-on-1s that are:

  • Efficient: Maximize your time together with a structured approach, ensuring both big-picture goals and day-to-day needs are addressed.
  • Impactful: Guide insightful discussions that unlock potential, foster growth, and leave both manager and team member feeling valued and empowered.
  • Enjoyable: Create a safe space for open communication, collaboration, and mutual respect, turning these meetings into something both parties look forward to.

In this interactive workshop, you'll:

  • Master the Fundamentals: Grasp key principles for conducting effective 1-on-1s, ensuring you get the most out of these crucial interactions.
  • Uncover the Right Approach: Explore different 1-on-1 formats and identify the ideal frequency based on your team's needs.
  • Structure for Success: Learn to design and conduct 1-on-1s that leverage your time efficiently while fostering deep conversations.
  • Shared Responsibilities: Gain clarity on the roles of coach and coachee, ensuring a collaborative approach to development.
  • Navigating the Murky Waters: Discuss common challenges in 1-on-1s, and receive practical strategies to handle situations that blend coaching, mentorship, and sometimes conflict resolution.

Bonus: Agile Development Plans

All participants receive our exclusive guide to Agile Development Plans - a powerful tool for creating focused, action-oriented growth plans, applicable for both your own development and that of your team members.

Other Accelerating Growth Workshops

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irene v

This workshop was very practical, fun, with easy-to-use frameworks and great trainers. The things I most valued were learning about the different things you can discuss during your 1-on-1s and how to focus the conversations. You might think it's basic (having 1-on-1s) but it's something we do without much thought and having guidance on it adds a lot of value.

Irene V. - HR Director - Newzoo B.V.

emily s

I felt very engaged throughout the training with lots of clear and tangible things to bring in. Both to start to change my 1-on-1s and to think about in the big picture for how I want them to look in 6 months or more. Learning about the true purpose and value of 1-on-1s was a big shocker. This is certainly the most actionable workshop I've been in in quite a while and I was totally engaged throughout because I was getting so much from it.

Emily S. - Client Success Director - Newzoo B.V.

jessica n

This was the best training experience for 1:1s. The workshop was entertaining as well as informative. I expected 2 hours of rules and role-playing and it was completely different - I loved it so much!

This helped bring all the pieces together, coherently. It covered topics extremely well, at a good pace and the interactive exercises were helpful for learning. The accountability lists and growth plan will be particularly helpful for my team.

Jessica N. - Head of Proposals - EmpiRx Health


In addition to offering dedicated workshops and programs for teams, we hold regular sessions that are open to individuals.

If you'd be interested in participating as an individual, let us know...