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Craft Your Mission & Vision Workshop

We'll make sure you have collective clarity around the 'what' and the 'why' that brings you together so you can forge ahead with confidence.

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road sign

Do you ever feel like your team lacks direction or struggles to understand the bigger picture?

This workshop equips you with the tools to craft a clear and inspiring roadmap that will motivate your team, drive innovation, and achieve breakthrough results.

The power of purpose:

  • Mission: Defines your "why" - the core purpose that drives your team's actions.
    • People at mission-driven organizations are 54% more likely to stay for five years.
    • Mission clarity causes people to grow into high performers at 40% higher rates.
  • Vision: Defines your "what" - the aspirational future state you're working towards. It serves as a guiding star, inspiring creativity and bold decisions.

In this interactive workshop, you will:

  • Uncover Your Team's Story: We'll surface the stories and values that define your team, fostering a sense of shared identity.
  • Align Your Mission & Vision: Develop a clear and concise** mission statement** alongside a powerful and inspiring** vision** that unites your team.
  • Bridge the Gap: Validate your top-down ideas with the realities of your team, ensuring everyone feels invested in the final outcome.
  • Walk Away with Action: Leave the workshop with well-defined mission and vision statements that are ready to drive action.


  • Increased Team Alignment: Ensure everyone is working towards the same goals.
  • Enhanced Motivation: Inspire your team with a shared sense of purpose.
  • Improved Decision Making: Make bold choices in line with your overall vision.
  • Greater Innovation: Foster a culture of creativity and problem-solving.
david b

Our team chartering sessions were well prepared and they used digital tools well. It also included a great use of motivational and team building interludes. A key takeaway for me is that we need a shared definition of strategy, and a shared definition of what is missing because "strategy" is pretty vague. Through chartering, you'll learn what others are thinking about and how they perceive the current things we (the company) are doing.

David B. - CEO - ForAllSecure

cat b

The charter was helpful. As well as the mission statement to get everyone aligned. The fact that both facilitators have worked in the tech industry helped us connect quickly around common challenges of a product team. I would love to do a follow up session.

Cat B. - Design Leadership - Indeed

caleb h

PeopleStorming helped bring our team together to build an action plan for the following year. They did a great job creating an open dialog where all team members were able to share and get the most of the time spent. We created new team metrics, a mission and sub-team goals that will definitely help ensure a great year in 2020. Bravo to the team! We'll definitely hire you again.

Caleb H. - CEO - Sensu


In addition to offering dedicated workshops and programs for teams, we hold regular sessions that are open to individuals.

If you'd be interested in participating as an individual, let us know...

A ship in harbour is safe - but that is not what ships are built for

John A. Shedd